It was almost 2 years ago now that I first read an article on Houzz titled 11 Reasons to Paint Your Interior Doors Black, and like you, and as even the author of the article admits, it seems counter intuitive in a way.  Black?  Really?  It seems dark and goes against almost any image you can conjure up in your head of intetrior doors and I’m guessing you didn’t grow up with any painted anything but white or eggshell either.  Yet after seeing the photos, because words alone cannot convince you, I couldn’t wait to try it.  Nor could my friend Kristi who recently rennovated their new home.   We were instant converts and I’ll show you why!

First up, my celeb stylist friend Krisit Brooks’ black interior french doors, I love love love them!

kb door 2 kb door 1 kb door 4

And here’s my black interior door in our guest house.  I’m still thinking I’m going to paint the interior of our front door black in our main house — now that our couch has arrived and I’m slowly but surely working on that room.  And when I do, I’ll make sure to post some pics of that as well.

my door 2  my door 1

But just in case you aren’t convinced it’s a solid color choice, here’s the article found on Houzz that gave us the courage!

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Convinced?  Want to see more unexpected ways to use black inside your space?  Check these out!

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