passion project

2 Girls, 3 Weeks and 1700 Sq. Feet!

“Do what you love and never work a day in your life.” I couldn’t agree more!  And although I have made many mentions of how exhausting and time consuming this project was, I have loved every single second of the last 3 weeks.  It was my heaven, my bliss, my joy!  And I am ever so grateful for being given the opportunity to discover what finding my passion truly means and I cannot praise enough all the people who helped me take this first step to truly living it.  Thank you Nicole and Sam, my husband and Kim, Home Goods and spray paint and the noisy little creature living on the side of my house who kept me company as…

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Home Goods High

Home Goods happy, no way!   I’m on a Home Goods high.  Seriously, I feel like I’ve hit the Home Goods lottery.  And for anyone in the Los Angeles area, it was the Westchester Home Goods to be exact, near the airport.  I’m telling you, s e r oi o u s l y good stuff right now.  The kind of stuff that begs you to scrap whatever you came in for and head off in a whole new inspired direction.  I made two trips this week and neither disappointed. But let me back up.  Remember that friend I mentioned in Mysterious Ways, the one who resigned without a plan?  Well, she made a plan and she has a vision.  …

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My Space

It took me less than a day to finish Luna’s book, The Crossroads of Should and Must and feeling really positive I immediately jumped into Badass, partly because I was feeling like one and partly because I still had a lot of time on my hands.  But I also had a project swirling around in my head that I needed to just do. Inspired by Luna and cheered on by Jen, I knew I needed to do what felt right, what made me happy and not get caught up in my own head, tripping up over too many questions or doubts.  Don’t think just do, I told myself.  And what did I do next?  I went to Target. “Most answers…

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