
The Pin Making Ya’ll Grin

Every morning for the last week or so I wake up to scores of emails from Pinterest telling me one of my pins has been “re-pinned.”  At first I would flutter with excitement and check with one eye open at all hours.  Now, I don’t even bother opening them email.  I know what pin is making you guys oh so very happy.  It’s this one, and I get it.  I loved it too, that’s why I pinned it in the first place! It’s originally from a mobile twitter account in South Africa tweeting about an article on ottomans.  So, first I wanted to give credit where credit is due and site the original source of this image, SA_Decor Marcia, and…

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While you were sleeping…

…I made these pretty little guys!  Remember these heads from my Home Goods score?  Well, here they are all dressed up and ready for Nicasa! All I used:  faux flowers, yarn, my trusty scissors, a needle and thread and in once case, some metallic paint and therefore a paintbrush. Other than that, no rules, no instructions, no real how-to adorn your faux head with flowers or how-to add flowers to antlers.  Just start creating what makes you happy.  Seriously, it’s that easy. I didn’t even stick myself with the needle (this time)! And all while you were sleeping.  🙂  

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Home Goods High

Home Goods happy, no way!   I’m on a Home Goods high.  Seriously, I feel like I’ve hit the Home Goods lottery.  And for anyone in the Los Angeles area, it was the Westchester Home Goods to be exact, near the airport.  I’m telling you, s e r oi o u s l y good stuff right now.  The kind of stuff that begs you to scrap whatever you came in for and head off in a whole new inspired direction.  I made two trips this week and neither disappointed. But let me back up.  Remember that friend I mentioned in Mysterious Ways, the one who resigned without a plan?  Well, she made a plan and she has a vision.  …

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